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Questions & Answers



Where is the Kerry Vickar Center (KVC)?  

It is located at 206 Bemister Ave in Melfort, SK 


Where is the starting line? Where is the finish line? 

The Start/Finish is in the same area on the east side of the Kerry Vickar Center north on Assiniboia Ave. The staging area is behind the building.


Where is the best place to park? 

The Kerry Vickar Centre parking lot is accessible from Alberta Street and will be open until 7:15am on the morning of the race.  We recommend participants and spectators park on the streets away from the course route near the KVC and walk to the Start/Finish area.


Is there a bag drop off at the Start/Finish line?  

The Kerry Vickar Centre parking lot is accessible from Alberta Street and will be open until 7:15am on the morning of the race.  We recommend participants and spectators park on the streets away from the course route near the KVC and walk to the Start/Finish area.?


Where do I pick up my race kit?  

Race kits can be picked up on the Friday before race day at the KVC. If you are unable to make it Friday night, kits can be picked up from 7:00 - 8:30am at the Information Tent in the staging area.


How do participants line up?  

The start will be done in 3 stages.  The 1K participants will be sent out first, followed by the 21.1K.  Once all Fun Run participants have completed their event we will ask the 5K and 10K participants to line up according to race pace and expected finish times.  All walkers are encouraged to start near the back of the pack.




What time does the race start?

Opening Ceremonies 8:30am       21.1K 8:45am         1K at 9:00am         5K & 10K at 9:15am


How long is the course open?

The course will be open from 8:30am - 12:00pm. The MMK assumes no responsibility (including traffic control, medical and aid station support) for registered participants still out on the course after these times. However, out of respect for the dedication and determination of our participants, a small finish line, timing and medical crew will typically remain in place until the final participant crosses the finish line.


Can I use an iPod or MP3 player?

Yes, we allow the use of iPods or MP3 players. See Course Rules for further details.


Am I allowed to wear roller blades or ride a bike on the course?

No, you are only allowed to run or walk, unless you are registered as a wheel chair participant.  Wheelchair participants are strongly urged to wear cycling helmets in accordance with local regulations and common sense. Jogging strollers are allowed on the course.


Am I allowed to bring a pet on the course?

No, pets are not allowed on the course at any time unless you are visually impaired and require a service dog.


Will there be finish line photos?

There will NOT be photos of participants crossing the finish line this year.


Where and when can I see my race results?

Results will be live during the event and available on after the event.


Is there medical support on the course?

Yes, there is medical aid on the course. All aid stations are equipped with first aid kits. There is also a First Aid Station at the Start/Finish area in the marked tent.


If I am injured or unable to continue, what should I do?

If you are unable to continue or finish the race, please stop for assistance at an aid station. Aid station personnel will radio for help. Please follow the instructions of the medical team.


What should I bring for the race?

Please bring as little as possible. There will be a bag drop-off at the Information tent but the MMK assumes no responsibility for any lost or damaged items.


What should I wear?

It is best to dress in layers. The morning can be quite chilly, but once you get moving that can change. We will have buckets for items at aid stations but again, MMK assumes no responsibility for any lost or damaged items.


Will you cancel when there is bad weather?

Please see #14 in the Course Rules.


Will you have aid stations?

There are 4 water/aid stations on the course. Please see maps for locations.


Will you have first aid, and if so, where can I find it?

Yes, there is medical aid on the course. All aid stations are equipped with first aid kits.

Aid stations can be found:
The corner of the walking trail along Shadd Drive where it turns East (Port-A-Potty here)
At Rotary Park along Brunswick Street across from Hornby Drive (Port-A-Potty here)
In front of the Melfort Hospital on Broadway Avenue
In front of the KVC on Assiniboia Avenue


What happens after the race?

Immediately after you complete your race please pick up a snack at the Food Tent. Medals will be awarded following the start of the race based on when participants finish events. 1K Kids Fun Run winners will be awarded first, then 5K, then 10K and finally 21.1K. A schedule of when awards will be presented will be posted on the website as well as at the Information Tent.


Where do I get my results?

Results will be posted as they come available at the Information Tent. They can also be found typically within a week at


Will there be photos of me?

There will NOT be photos of participants crossing the finish line this year.




How do I register?

Please go to the registration page or the main page to register.


Can I register on Race Day?

Registration will NOT be allowed on Race Day.


When is the latest time I can register?

The latest a person can register is September 11th, 2024 at 11:59pm depending on availability in the desired event. Please note that shirts are no longer available after August 1st, 2024.


When does online registration close?

Registration closes on September 11th, 2024 at 11:59pm or until registration limit is met. Please note that the tech shirts are NOT available after August 1st, 2024.


What do I receive with my registration?

Participants will receive a medal and snack after completing their event.  PLEASE NOTE Tech shirts are ONLY available for the 5K, 10K & 21.1K participants at an additional cost until August 1st, 2024.


How can I pay for my registration?

Payment for registration can be done on VISA, Master Card, Amex or via the registration site.


How will the payment appear on my credit card?

The payment will appear as 'The Race Roster' on your credit card statement.


Can I switch events once registered?

Switching events can take place up until package pick up September 13th, depending on availability in the desired event. This must be done in writing by email and you will be contacted if there is room to switch events.


Can I get a refund?

100% refunds will only be issued until the July 31st, 2024 and must be done in writing through email. Contact can be made through the website. You will only be refunded the total amount less the administration fee.


Can I transfer my registration?

MMK race entries are non-transferable. Due to legal insurance liability requirements, you may not transfer, give or sell your race entry/race number to someone else. If you are unable to take part, please contact us ASAP at




Is the event a timed event?

Yes, this is a timed event.


How do I wear the timing chip?

The timing chip will be on the back of your bib and you do not have to do anything with it. Your bib must be visible at all times and be above your waist (see Course Rules). Once you cross the finish line please leave the finish area and do not re-enter the finish area again. 

Where and when can I see my results? Race results can be typically found within a week at




When do I get my bib?

You will receive your bib when you pick up your race kit either on Friday before or the morning of the race.


What do the different colors mean on the race number bibs?

The colour of your bib will indicate what event you are in.

WHITE  - 1K Kids Fun Run
BLUE    - 5K
RED      - 21.1K


Where do I put my bib?

Any participant without a race number bib will be pulled from the course.  Your race number must be worn on the front of your body where it can be easily and clearly seen at all times by our course officials. If you wish to start the race wearing warm-up clothing over your race number and plan to remove layers within the first kilometers, that's fine. If the weather is such that you plan on wearing those layers for most of the race, then you must wear your race number on the outside where the number will be clearly visible.




Where can I find a map of my course?

Course maps can be found at the top of the page under the tab COURSES.


What are the course rules?

Course Rules can be found at the top of the page under the tab 'Races'.


What do all the different colors on the course mean?

Each event is color coded. Please make note of the color of your bib and watch for signage with that color on the course. This will help us help you navigate the course without any difficulties. The maps are also color coded. Please visit Courses at the top of the page.


How many aid stations are on the course and where are they located?

There are 4 water/aid stations on the course. Please see the course map for locations.


What kinds of drinks do the aid stations serve?

The first aid stations will serve water and Gatorade.


Can I use an iPod or MP3?

Yes, we allow the use of iPods or MP3 players. See Course Rules for further details.


Where are the toilets on the course and at the Start/Finish?

Toilets are located in 2 locations on the course as well as in the KVC. See maps for locations.




Where do I sign up to be a volunteer?

Follow the VOLUNTEER link to register as a volunteer on Race Roster. Or, call Allison Rogers at (306)921-8740 . Job descriptions can be found under the tab Volunteers/Job Descriptions. Someone will contact you closer to race day with your assignments.



Where should spectators watch?

Spectators are encouraged to watch from sidewalks along the route providing they do not interfere or impede the path of our participants. At the start/finish area, spectators are asked to watch from the designated area before the finish line. We ask that all spectators stay clear of the finish area for safety reasons.


Will there be food and drinks available?

No, at this time there are no drinks or food available for spectators.


donation requests


What organizations does MMK support?

Currently MMK is accepting applications for requests for monies that support Fitness and Health in Melfort.  All donation requests are reviewed and processed each January.


How do you apply for funding?

This APPLICATION FORM can be downloaded and submitted by December 31st 2023.




I would like to be a sponsor of the MMK. Who do I contact?

Please contact our sponsorship coordinator at


What do I get for my sponsorship?

This will depend on what level of sponsorship you decide to be. Please contact our sponsorship coordinator at


Do I have to give money or can I be a sponsor another way?

Sponsorship can be made in many ways through money, product or giving of your time.




So you have any training programs?

Currently we do have a training program on our website.



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